张玲,季国松,陆建宝,方开雄,张钟华.海马谷断裂北西盘金矿化蚀变带的发现及地质意义[J].矿产勘查,2024,15(5):767-774 |
海马谷断裂北西盘金矿化蚀变带的发现及地质意义 |
Discovery and geological significance of gold mineralized alteration zone in the northwest wall of Haimagu Fault |
投稿时间:2022-05-13 修订日期:2022-08-20 |
DOI:10.20008/j.kckc.202405007 |
中文关键词: 荞地坡金矿化蚀变带 海马谷断裂 地电化学 地质意义 |
英文关键词: gold mineralization alteration zone in Qiao-Dipo Haimagu Fault geoelectrochemistry geological significance |
基金项目:本文受贵州省安龙鲁沟—白石坡地区矿产地质调查(12120114084001)、安龙县戈塘—海子地区金矿成矿规律与找矿远景研究(黔地矿科合[2017]26号)和贵州省安龙县大坝金矿普查(贵州省新一轮找矿突破战略行动项目)联合资助。 |
摘要点击次数: 551 |
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中文摘要: |
戈塘金矿床是黔西南地区发现最早的大型金矿床之一,其金矿体均分布于区域性海马谷断裂南东盘。经近30年的断续找矿工作,海马谷断裂北西盘找矿方向及前景却依然不清。在新近的矿产地质调查工作中,在海马谷断裂北西盘,通过地电化学测量提取Au元素峰值为179.0×10-9,经异常查证发现荞地坡金矿化蚀变带,该金矿化蚀变带受控于下三叠统嘉陵江组一段与二段岩性突变界面,呈似层状产出,沿走向延伸1.2 km,厚0.8~2.0 m,含金品位为0.50×10-6~0.82×10-6。其发现过程折射出地电化学测量的引入对戈塘地区金矿找矿起到积极促进作用;也拓展了该地区找矿空间,分析认为在海马谷断裂北西盘深部有利岩性组合段与北东向构造叠加部位具有较好的金矿找矿前景。 |
英文摘要: |
The Getang gold deposits is one of the earliest large-scale gold deposits found in southwest Guizhou, and its gold ore bodies are distributed in the southeast plate of the regional Haimagu Fault. After almost 30 years of intermittent ore exploration, the direction and prospects of ore exploration in the northwest plate of the Haimagu Fault are still unclear. In the recent mineral geological survey work, the northwest plate of the Haimagu Fault, through the ground electrochemical measurements extracted Au element peak value of 179.0×10-9, the anomalies found in the Qiao-Dipo gold mineralization and alteration zone, which is controlled by the lithologic mutation interface between the first and second members of the Jialingjiang Formation of the Lower Triassic. It is stratified, with a strike extension of 1.2 km, a thickness of 0.8-2.0 m, and a gold bearing grade of 0.50×10-6-0.82×10-6. Its discovery process reflects that the introduction of geoelectrochemical measurement has played a positive role in promoting gold prospecting in the Getang area, which also expands the prospecting space in this area. The analysis shows that the favorable lithologic combination section in the deep part of the northwest plate of the Haimagu Fault and the superposition part of the Northeast trending structure have better prospecting prospect. |
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