Study on weak anomaly of geochemical exploration by method of the anomaly threshold in geological subarea——Take the anomaly of Au element in Songxian Henan Province as an example
投稿时间:2022-03-07  修订日期:2022-09-03
中文关键词: 外方山断隆  综合异常  异常下限衬值法  “弱小”异常  地球化学异常  嵩县地区
英文关键词: Waifangshan upfaulted belt  composite anomaly  method of the anomaly threshold  ‘weak’ anomaly  geochemical anomaly  Songxian area
王世权 河南省地质研究院河南 郑州 450001 450001
叶萍* 河南省地质科学研究所有限公司河南 郑州 450001 450001
谭和勇 河南省地质研究院河南 郑州 450001 450001
陈俊魁 河南省地质研究院河南 郑州 450001 450001
霍清华 河南省地质研究院河南 郑州 450001 450001
摘要点击次数: 600
全文下载次数: 356
      Songxian area is located in Waifangshan upfaulted belt, which is in an important molybdenum-gold metallogenic belt in the southern margin of North China Block. The anomaly of Au element in the study area has a high background value, and the unified anomaly lower limit is adopted to delineate the comprehensive anomaly measured by 1∶50,000 stream sediment. The Au element in the study area is unusually weak, scattered and irregular. Through the reprocessing of geochemical data by using the lower limit contrast method of anomalies in geological sub-areas, it is found that there are several weak and weak Au anomalies in the area and they are distributed discontinuously along the main tectonic direction. Au element anomaly verification work of ‘weak’, Finally, several gold deposits (mineralization) bodies were discovered in Pogen and Qifengshan, in the high background geochemical anomaly areas using geological area threshold contrast method delineated geochemical anomalies and guide the prospecting work has good effect, the research achievenent for further geological prospecting work have provided the certain basis.
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